During your parenting journey, you may have been confronted by a child who lacks self-confidence. They may second-guess and question their own abilities, creating an internal dialogue of self-doubt. For children with unique needs, self-doubt can make it difficult for them to face the challenges that may come with their unique diagnosis.
In Cam’s case, he struggled with speech and this meant that he was in speech therapy from about the age of 2. Because he wasn’t always easy to understand, individuals would ask me what he said and it damaged his self-confidence in his own ability to communicate effectively. For Cam, that self-doubt triggered a period where he didn’t talk at all out in public.
His speech did improve, but his confidence didn’t. In many ways, his internal dialogue was impacting his ability to interact in public, because he questioned his own speaking ability. Small victories, however, can break the cycle of this type of negative self-talk. How did we do it?
You know the story of the tortoise and the hare. Well this isn't it. Every morning you wake up and move so slowly they'd think you were a turtle. Groggy and grumpy might be your middle names. Good thing Cam invented a delicious pick me up just for you.